Klicken Sie auf die Audiodatei und hören Sie sich eine Meditation über Beharrlichkeit mit Pater Pios eigener Stimme an (Original auf Italienisch) und folgen Sie der unten stehenden Übersetzung ins Englische.
May Jesus and Mary always be praised!
Jesus said in the Gospel that the prize is given not to the person who begins well, nor to who continues in the right path for a while, but for those who persevere until the end.
Therefore, the person who began well, try to persevere and always do better. The person who is on his/her way, try to get to the end. The person who unfortunately is not on the right path yet, begin right now.
Let us all make a great effort to persevere!
I know it is not an easy task, but the example of the saints, the help of the Holy Virgin and especially God’s grace that is always there for those who seek it, will never fail us.
So let us improve on the qualities of constancy, patience and perseverance and then it will be verified on us the words of Jesus “The person who perseveres until the end will be saved!”
I wish you all a good night, full of graces and blessings. A very especial blessing not only to you but to all those who are close to your heart, especially to all your families. I bless in a special way all the poor, sick and suffering. May God give them courage, perseverance and health. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.